Things you need to know

Over the years we have learned a lot about brand design and marketing for small businesses. We’ve summarised some of the more important points here. If there’s  anything else you'd like to ask get in touch and we’ll get back to you with our thoughts. Who knows, one day your question may even appear on this page!

Why Your Website’s Content is as Important as Coffee on a Monday Morning

Monday Morning Coffee

Thought you’d nailed your website content, right? So how come people aren’t sticking around?

Read more about 'Why Your Website’s Content is as Important as Coffee on a Monday Morning'...

Good Design: The Secret Sauce Your Business Didn’t Know It Needed!

Burger du jour

Good graphic design isn’t just about making things look fancy; it’s like the secret sauce that makes your business irresistible. Whether you’re starting fresh or levelling up, great design can do wonders.

Read more about 'Good Design: The Secret Sauce Your Business Didn’t Know It Needed!'...

Why Being the Swiss Army Knife of Graphic Design is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Swiss Army Knife

Let’s face it, in the world of graphic design, you’ve probably heard the saying Jack of all trades, master of none. It’s usually said with a bit of a sniff, as if dabbling in multiple skills is somehow a crime. Well, the fact is being a graphic designer who can juggle print, web, social media and video design is like being a Swiss Army knife.

Read more about '‘Jack of All Trades’: Why Being the Swiss Army Knife of Graphic Design is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread'...

Are ‘Buyer Personas’ Just Marketing Bullsh*t?

Buyer Personas

Let’s be real – the term ‘buyer personas’ sounds like marketing jargon, doesn’t it?

Read more about 'Are ‘Buyer Personas’ Just Marketing Bullsh*t?'...

Why it’s so Important to give your Graphic Designer a Complete and Well-defined Creative Brief

How to brief a designer

Think time spent writing a brief is wasted, or believe “I’ll know what I like when I see it”? A clear brief for your designer is essential for any design project. 

Read more about 'Why it’s so Important to give your Graphic Designer a Complete and Well-defined Creative Brief'...

Why Graphic and Web Designers Are Still Relevant: A Deep Dive

Graphic Design Workstation

In today’s digital age, it might seem like graphic and web designers are becoming less relevant. But let’s take a closer look at why graphic and web designers are still very much in demand and essential for creating truly standout visuals and experiences.

Read more about 'Why Graphic and Web Designers Are Still Relevant: A Deep Dive '...

How, When and Where should I Promote my Business Through Social Media?

Use Social Media to promote your business

Nowadays Social Media has gotten so big that it’s impossible to ignore as a marketing tool for business. Social channels allow you to communicate directly with existing and potential customers. So how, when, and where do you get the best results?

Read more about 'How, When and Where should I Promote my Business Through Social Media?'...

How do I get a better position on Google Search results in 2024?

Get best position on Google Search

How do you get your site to show up on Google? There’s always GoogleAds, but there are other ways to improve your ‘organic’ search position that should also be considered.

Read more about 'How do I get a better position on Google Search results in 2024?'...

A Blog? What would I write about?


All my time is taken up with the day-to-day running of my business. Why would I want to find the time to write a blog? What sort of stuff would I write? And anyway, would anybody even be interested?

Read more about 'A Blog? What would I write about?'...

AI Speaks for Itself

The Creation of Digital Adam

Since the advent of OpenAI late last year, there's been a lot of talk about the use of Artifical Intelligence to create marketing material. So we decided to put it to the test. Can AI really cut the mustard when it comes to creating impactful and relevant online content? You be the judge...

Read more about 'AI Speaks for Itself'...

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