Tag: Facebook

Over the years we have learned a lot about brand design and marketing for small businesses. We’ve summarised some of the more important points here. If there’s  anything else you'd like to ask get in touch and we’ll get back to you with our thoughts. Who knows, one day your question may even appear on this page!

How, When and Where should I Promote my Business Through Social Media?

Use Social Media to promote your business

Nowadays Social Media has gotten so big that it’s impossible to ignore as a marketing tool for business. Social channels allow you to communicate directly with existing and potential customers. So how, when, and where do you get the best results?

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Why Small Businesses Need Websites

Need a new Small Business Website?

Putting it very simply, if you're any size of business and you're not on the web you don't exist. This may be blunt, but it's true. Nobody will be able to find you. The simple truth is most people don't even bother to open a phone book anymore. So what's your plan for being discovered by potential customers?

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